Ultra Swim, is a midland's based company who distribute the innovative swim pool panel system nationwide. All materials are sourced and manufactured locally here in the Midlands. As a company we strive to offer the highest quality product and customer service to all.
Our Managing Director has been in the swimming pool industry for over 50 years, and has been instrumental in the design and analysis of the Ultra Swim Pool. We have worked alongside world renowned companies to ensure the panel system is not only sound in structure, but highly cost effective for our customers.
The simple, yet extremely effective Ultra Swim pool system allows for easy construction even in the smallest of spaces. A dedicated surveyor will complete a site survey to ensure a full and accurate quote can be produced on your behalf.
Our galvanised steel panels come in different size allowing for pools to be tailor made to suit your preferred size.
We can accommodate a pool from as small as 2 metres wide and 5 metres long. Each panel can be fitted through a standard door, so issues with access are not an issue for us.
Panels are simply bolted together to create the walls and secured onto a concrete base.
The panel system can effectively be installed below or above ground with no concrete support.
Full training and instruction will be given to ahead of installation.